IEEE 5G Summit-Istanbul

by Irmak Akkaya | May 28, 2019
International IEEE Summit on 5G, IOT and BIG DATA, 13/14 Haziran 2019, İTÜ SDKM Konferans Salonu, Ayazağa Kampüsü

International IEEE Summit on 5G, IOT and BIG DATA, 13/14 Haziran 2019, İTÜ SDKM Konferans Salonu, Ayazağa Kampüsü


İTÜ Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Our faculty has gained a well-deserved reputation for pioneering achievements,

  1. Electrification of the whole country
  2. The first high voltage laboratory
  3. The first television broadcasting
  4. The first stereo radio
  5. The first microelectronics laboratory and microchip production

in the past as well as training highly qualified engineers and scientists.