
Development of a Battery Aging-Aware Energy Management System for Electric Transportation with High-Accuracy Energy Consumption Estimation, Implementing Vehicle Control and Grid Services

by Özcan Bahadıroğlu | Oct 18, 2023
With the developed system, more efficient use of the energy stored in the electric vehicles' batteries and achieving the maximum range is aimed to be achieved. The energy costs and electricity mix-related carbon emissions of charging sessions of electric passenger cars and public transport bus fleets are aimed to be considerable reduced

The energy consumption of different electric vehicle types varies based on numerous factors such as the vehicle's internal dynamics, the driver's behavior, the structure of the road to be traveled, traffic during the trip, and weather conditions. The research conducted by Istanbul Technical University Department of Electrical Engineering faculty member Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Onur Gulbahce and his team focuses on the development of methods for accurate estimation and optimization of energy consumption in different electric vehicle types. The study is supported as a Competent Field Project within the scope of Higher Education Institutions and Research Universities. The project team includes Prof. Dr. İlhan Kocaarslan from Istanbul Technical University Control and Automation Engineering Department, Asst. Prof. Dr. Alparslan Zehir from Marmara University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Asst. Prof. Dr. Fatih Küçüktezcan, Res. Asst. Batı Eren Ergun and Arda Akyıldız from Istanbul Technical University Department of Electrical Engineering.


The outcomes of this research will offer several benefits such as:

  • Alleviate range anxiety for electric vehicle owners,
  • Allow for better coordination and pricing for electric vehicle charging,
  • Facilitate improved fleet management,
  • Help in the estimation and extension of battery life,
  • Contribute to improving the capacity that charging stations and the electrical grid infrastructure can handle,
  • Aid in the optimization of vehicle maintenance and the effective detection of technical issues and malfunctions in vehicle performance.

With the developed system, more efficient use of the energy stored in the electric vehicles' batteries and achieving the maximum range is aimed to be achieved. The energy costs and electricity mix-related carbon emissions of charging sessions of electric passenger cars and public transport bus fleets are aimed to be considerable reduced. The system will also minimize factors that could negatively affect the lifespan of the vehicle's energy storage system, thereby extending battery life. Additionally, the developed solutions will help regulate vehicle charging behaviors, reducing technical challenges in the electrical grid and charging station infrastructure, enabling the same infrastructure to serve more vehicles. The system is aimed to allow for more comprehensive coordination of services that can be provided from the vehicle to the grid, taking into account vehicle usage, charging, and energy consumption behaviors. Furthermore, it allows for more accurate identification of technical issues and maintenance-required situations that could adversely affect vehicle energy consumption performance.

