Processor Design Workshop on 19th September 2019 will take place on ITU Ayazaga Campus Maslak, SDKM Conference Center.
At the meeting of the Academic Council of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Shahin Serhat Seker, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Istanbul Technical University (Turkey) was awarded the title of “The Honorary Professor of NURE”.
Graduation Award Ceremony will be at İdris Yamantürk Conference Hall at 14:00 on Monday, July 1, 2019.
International IEEE Summit on 5G, IOT and BIG DATA, 13/14 Haziran 2019, İTÜ SDKM Konferans Salonu, Ayazağa Kampüsü
Istanbul Technical University Graduate Level Admission Application for 2019 - 2020 Academic Year, Fall Semester
On 5th of May 2019, we hosted our alumni of 20th, 30th years graduates. Please see the photographs below covering this ITU ARI DAY event.
Istanbul Technical University International Undergraduate Admissions Required Credentials 2018-2019
see Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Graduation Ceremony, and Istanbul Technical University Stadium Ceremony Photograps (29.06.2018)